We provide the highest quality Medical Alert leads. If you’re looking to find leads that will help you close medical alert sales, TV Response Group is the answer. Through our nationally televised advertisements, we are able to gather qualified, opt-in leads that convert into sales.
Helping you sell Medical Alert Leads:
When selling Medical Alert or Lifeline devices, it’s often difficult to find qualified leads for seniors who are genuinely interested in purchasing your life alert product. Understanding this challenge for sales teams, TRG does the most difficult job for you. We alleviate the handle the most difficult part oof your sales cycle by providing you with a large quantity of targeted, pre-qualified leads. These are people who have actually requested to hear more about your med alert product.
How we get medical alert leads for you:
TRG offers callers into our nationally advertised television commercials the opportunity to learn more about these med alert devices and systems. We capture a med alert lead who has specifically requested additional information and has asked to be contacted by your business, which is then delivered exclusively to your DME.